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BORGO-ITALIA the virtual magazine

website online for 21 years
more than 19700 photographs in Italy


website online for 21 years
more than 19700 photographs in Italy
borgo-italia the Virtual Magazine
tradizion, events, festivities,
markets and little markets,
work of art, natural atmospherer
less know and trefore...

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latest published work:
the special reports master photo breaking news from...
Liguria 2 the superba, maritime repuFriuli Venezia Giulia an excursion iEmilia 18 a short visit to the ceno Emilia 18 the mignano oratory 12 Oct 24 Stefania Origlia tower and shelter of san mauro 12 Oct 24 Stefania Origlia the roman gate 12 Oct 24 Marina Daprelà dante squareRoma (RM)Valeggio (VR)Aosta (AO)Firenze (FI)Bergamo (BG)
  ultime da ...dite la vostra  
  28.06.2020:  certo ti fa tornare la vogl...  
  16.06.2020:  stendete un velo pietoso...  
  08.06.2020:  siae roboanti dichiarazioni...  
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