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special report
italiano  english
the oratory of the Holy Trinity
(Parre (BG) - Lombardia)
text by: borgo-italia [only desktop] - photo by: vari - various
oratory of the holy Trinity
oratory of the holy Trinity
oratory of the holy Trinity
oratory of the holy Trinity
oratory of the holy Trinity
oratory of the holy Trinity
oratory of the holy Trinity
oratory of the holy Trinity
oratory of the holy Trinity
oratory of the holy Trinity
oratory of the holy Trinity
oratory of the holy Trinity
oratory of the holy Trinity
oratory of the holy Trinity
oratory of the holy Trinity

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the oratory of the Holy Trinity
(Parre (BG) - Lombardia)

Thanks to Mrs. Laura (Parre Proloco) we introduce to you this little jewel of the Orobie Alps, a place of worship of course but also a beautiful place for real nature lovers.

The church stands at the top of the mount Cϋsen (2499 ft. above sea level) just above Parre. From its arcaded loggia you can get a bird’s eye view over the woods, the grasses and the mountains.
The church can be reached on foot from Parre along a mule path and a stepped path or by car, but only for a while.

The place however deserves this effort.

to enlarge image and begin slideshow click on the photo
oratory of the holy Trinity
oratory of the holy Trinity
oratory of the holy Trinity
oratory of the holy Trinity
oratory of the holy Trinity
oratory of the holy Trinity
oratory of the holy Trinity
oratory of the holy Trinity
oratory of the holy Trinity
oratory of the holy Trinity
oratory of the holy Trinity
oratory of the holy Trinity
oratory of the holy Trinity
oratory of the holy Trinity
oratory of the holy Trinity

A bit of history:
It was probably built above the ruins of a 13th century chapel and the first documentation of the present church dates back to August 1526 for a visit of the bishop Federico Cornar.
The stone steeple is dated 1610, while the loggia in Sarnico stone and the adjacent house (now inhabited by the keeper) go back to the early 18th century.
The renovation (1996-2000) gave back some valuable frescoes of 16th century.
The place has been preserved by the continuous presence of a hermit.

Per saperne di più:
prolocoparre: arte e chiese
wikipedia: chiesa della santissima_Trinità (Parre)

A note:
We know only the name of the author of some images; if someone recognizes his photo among them as please contact us so we will provide for the updating.

photo n.  
05 Alberto Mantegazza
06 Anna Frattini
12 Alberto Mantegazza

Thanks to Mrs. Laura and to the Proloco of Parre for the permission of publishing the images.

text by: borgo-italia [only desktop]
photo by: vari - various

Lombardia 5 - release date: 2018-06-04