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special report
italiano  english
short excursion in the upper Tidone Valley: Nibbiano - part 2 of 2
(Nibbiano (PC) - Emilia Romagna)
text by: borgo-italia [only desktop] - photo by: Gianni
1/25] the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
2/25] the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
3/25] the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
4/25] the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
5/25] the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
6/25] the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
7/25] the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
8/25] the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
9/25] the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
10/25] the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
11/25] the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
12/25] the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
13/25] the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
14/25] the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
15/25] the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
16/25] the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
17/25] the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
18/25] the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
19/25] the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
20/25] the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
21/25] the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
22/25] the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
23/25] the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
24/25] the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
25/25] the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village

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short excursion in the upper Tidone Valley: Nibbiano - part 2 of 2
(Nibbiano (PC) - Emilia Romagna)

A few kilometers from the town of Caminata is the village of Nibbiano, which dates back to Roman origins, and is considered one of the most lively towns in the valley.
It is a pity that the ancient castle (built in 1029) cannot be visited.

to enlarge image and begin slideshow click on the photo
the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village
the Nibbiano village

A bit of history:
As mentioned in the first part, the history of the village coincides with that of the valley.

A note:
If you have time and the day is clear, continue along the SP34 road to Bobbio and then descend to Piacenza.
It takes a long time, but the beauty of the landscape and the villages you encounter repay the effort.

For more info:
upper Tidone Valley: Caminata [part 1/2]
wikipedia: Nibbiano Nibbiano
wikipedia: Castello di Nibbiano

wikipedia: Val Tidone
sentiero de Tidone

text by: borgo-italia [only desktop]
photo by: Gianni

Emilia 17 - release date: 2024-02-09