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special report
italiano  english
the Bishop's Palace - 3/3
(Bressanone/Brixen (BZ) - Trentino Alto Adige)
text by: borgo-italia [only desktop] - photo by: Gianni
1/45] the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
2/45] the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
3/45] the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
4/45] the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
5/45] the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
6/45] the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
7/45] the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
8/45] the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
9/45] the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
10/45] the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
11/45] the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
12/45] the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
13/45] the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
14/45] the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
15/45] the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
16/45] the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
17/45] the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
18/45] the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
19/45] the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
20/45] the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
21/45] the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
22/45] the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
23/45] the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
24/45] the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
25/45] the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
26/45] the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
27/45] the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
28/45] the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
29/45] the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
30/45] the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
31/45] the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
32/45] the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
33/45] the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
34/45] the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
35/45] the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
36/45] the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
37/45] the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
38/45] the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
39/45] the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
40/45] the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
41/45] the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
42/45] the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
43/45] the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
44/45] the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
45/45] the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace

special report of

italiano english
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Erika: operatore olistico
il Giardino di Atlantide
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43011 BUSSETO (PR)
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borgo-italia: gli speciali
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the Bishop's Palace - 3/3
(Bressanone/Brixen (BZ) - Trentino Alto Adige)

Our tour ends here with an invitation to visit Holfburg.

to enlarge image and begin slideshow click on the photo
the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace
the Bishop's Palace

A bit of history:
The residence of the Prince bishops of Brixen dates back to the end of 1200.
In 1595 the prince-bishop Andrew of Austria transformed the building into a sumptuous residence, in the late Renaissance Italian style.
After Andrew’s death, the works were completed, but different from the original project.
In 1710 additions and modifications were made in the Baroque style.
Until 1973 the palace was the residence of the Bishops of Brixen and from 1976 it became the seat of the Diocesan Museum.

For more info:
Holfburg: the Bishop's Palace - part 1
Holfburg: the Bishop's Palace - part 2

text by: borgo-italia [only desktop]
photo by: Gianni

Alto Adige 2 - release date: 2020-03-02