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special report
italiano  english
palazzo della Pilotta: the Farnese family – part 3/3
(Parma (PR) - Emilia Romagna)
text by: borgo-italia [only desktop] - photo by: Gianni
1/29] commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
2/29] commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
3/29] commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
4/29] commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
5/29] commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
6/29] commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
7/29] commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
8/29] commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
9/29] commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
10/29] commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
11/29] commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
12/29] commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
13/29] commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
14/29] commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
15/29] commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
16/29] commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
17/29] commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
18/29] commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
19/29] commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
20/29] commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
21/29] commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
22/29] commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
23/29] commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
24/29] commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
25/29] commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
26/29] commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
27/29] commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
28/29] commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
29/29] commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater

special report of

italiano english
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Erika: operatore olistico
il Giardino di Atlantide
cosa puoi trovare:
candele profumate 100% naturali
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e tante altre idee regalo
43011 BUSSETO (PR)
viale A. Pallavicino 1


il giardino di atlantide
borgo-italia: gli speciali
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palazzo della Pilotta: the Farnese family – part 3/3
(Parma (PR) - Emilia Romagna)

We conclude this brief excursus on the Monumental Complex by presenting a very pleasant surprise that we had during our visit.
We attended the rehearsal of the show dedicated to the memory of Franca Valeri "FINTE FOLLIE E VERACI PAZZIE ossia Il teatro delle primedonne".

Perhaps it was due to the skill of the actors or the majestic atmosphere of the theatre, but we spent a very pleasant hour sitting in admiration.
to enlarge image and begin slideshow click on the photo
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater
commissioned by Farnese family, farnese theater

We enclose a short sheet, placed at the theatre entrance, with some notes by director Stefania Bonfadelli [pdf].

This sheet also contains the names of the other actors and musicians involved in the play.

For more info (for a bit of history, refer to the 1st part):
Farnese family 1st part
Farnese family 2nd part;

text by: borgo-italia [only desktop]
photo by: Gianni

Emilia 16 - release date: 2022-11-12