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special report
italiano  english
the monastery of Polirone - 2nd part
(San Benedetto Po (MN) - Lombardia)
text by: borgo-italia [only desktop] - photo by: Gianni
1/40] abbey church
abbey church
2/40] abbey church
abbey church
3/40] abbey church
abbey church
4/40] abbey church
abbey church
5/40] abbey church
abbey church
6/40] abbey church
abbey church
7/40] abbey church
abbey church
8/40] tomb of Matilde of Canossa
tomb of Matilde of Canossa
9/40] tomb of Matilde of Canossa
tomb of Matilde of Canossa
10/40] tomb of Matilde of Canossa
tomb of Matilde of Canossa
11/40] abbey church
abbey church
12/40] abbey church
abbey church
13/40] abbey church
abbey church
14/40] abbey church
abbey church
15/40] cloister of the seculars
cloister of the seculars
16/40] cloister of the seculars
cloister of the seculars
17/40] cloister of the seculars
cloister of the seculars
18/40] cloister of the seculars
cloister of the seculars
19/40] cloister of the seculars
cloister of the seculars
20/40] cloister of the seculars
cloister of the seculars
21/40] civic museum
civic museum
22/40] civic museum
civic museum
23/40] civic museum
civic museum
24/40] civic museum
civic museum
25/40] civic museum
civic museum
26/40] civic museum
civic museum
27/40] civic museum
civic museum
28/40] civic museum
civic museum
29/40] civic museum
civic museum
30/40] civic museum
civic museum
31/40] civic museum
civic museum
32/40] civic museum
civic museum
33/40] civic museum
civic museum
34/40] civic museum
civic museum
35/40] chapter room
chapter room
36/40] chapter room
chapter room
37/40] chapter room
chapter room
38/40] chapter room
chapter room
39/40] chapter room
chapter room
40/40] chapter room
chapter room

special report of

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borgo-italia: gli speciali
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the monastery of Polirone - 2nd part
(San Benedetto Po (MN) - Lombardia)

The visit continues in the abbey church to admire the restoration works by Giulio Romano and the tomb where Matilda was buried before the body was transferred to Rome.

Continue through the Chiostro dei Secolari and then through the evocative Barberini stairway and the vast rooms of the civic museum to reach the chapter house.

to enlarge image and begin slideshow click on the photo
abbey church
abbey church
abbey church
abbey church
abbey church
abbey church
abbey church
tomb of Matilde of Canossa
tomb of Matilde of Canossa
tomb of Matilde of Canossa
abbey church
abbey church
abbey church
abbey church
cloister of the seculars
cloister of the seculars
cloister of the seculars
cloister of the seculars
cloister of the seculars
cloister of the seculars
civic museum
civic museum
civic museum
civic museum
civic museum
civic museum
civic museum
civic museum
civic museum
civic museum
civic museum
civic museum
civic museum
civic museum
chapter room
chapter room
chapter room
chapter room
chapter room
chapter room

A bit of history:

Chiostro dei Secolari (cloister of the seculars)
on the ground floor it was used to welcome pilgrims and poor. The upper floor was intended for noble guests or wealthy merchants.
There are three construction phases: one before the 15th century, one attributable to 1475 and one from 1674.

Museo Civico Polironiano
The museum is accessed via a staircase in white marble, decorated with stuccoes by Giovan Battista Barberini in 1674.
Founded in 1977, it is located in the upper rooms of the monastery and is one of the major ethnographic museums in Italy.
The current exhibition was inaugurated on 2 October 2009

Sala del Capitolo (Chapter Room)
It is one of the most ancient and important places of the monastery and inside there are some tomb remains of abbots dating back to 1500.

For more info:
To learn more and for more information, see the 1st part of the special
Polirone monastery: part 1
Polirone monastery: 3rd part

text by: borgo-italia [only desktop]
photo by: Gianni

Lombardia 6 - release date: 2019-05-18